Does it really make sense to introduce '
Carbon Budgets'
as a constraint on the mandates for Asset Managers? First of all, the
calculation of carbon usage for all investment options is expensive and
it is also more than likely to be imprecise or liable to be gamed. And
why not a Carbon budget for fixed income investments (even more
complicated and expensive, how much Carbon usage to you allocate to a
bond?), and before we forget, I hope there will be Carbon budget for
'Private' Equity and Hedge Funds? And last not least, don't forget the
HFT firms. And what about Bank lending?
Nevermind that there is a
simple solution at hand (Tax Carbon if you are hell-bent on limiting its
use). Why not act according to the principle, what is good for the
Consultants MUST be good for the Consumer (here in the shape of hapless
end investors in Mutual and Pension Funds, Private Banks and Insurance
And while we are on the subject of Climate Hysteria,
has any political or business 'leder' ever received a democratic mandate
for imposing ever-more 'green' taxes, costs and regulations on the
citizen/consumer/investor anywhere in the world?